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magnesium and tinnitus

The International Tinnitus Journal reports that a study done in 2008

by the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, AZ, showed that tinnitus symptoms were significantly decreased by patients

with a daily dose of 532 mg of magnesium over a three month period.

The American Journal of Otolaryngology published a report stating that magnesium reduces permanent hearing loss induced by noise exposure.

And the Journal of The American College of Nutrition states that tinnitus might also be a consequence of

the magnesium deficiency syndrome.

what is


The Mayo Clinic says:

'Tinnitus involves the annoying sensation of hearing sound

when no external sound is present. Tinnitus symptoms include these types of phantom noises in your ears':

  • Ringing

  • Buzzing

  • Roaring

  • Clicking

  • Hissing

The National Institute on Deafness 

'It may be soft or loud, high pitched or low pitched. You might hear it in either one or both ears. Roughly 10 percent of the adult population of the United States has experienced tinnitus lasting at least five minutes in the past year. This amounts to nearly 25 million Americans.'

The term tinnitus is derived from the Latin word tinnire, meaning 'to ring'.

what causes tinnitus?



exposure to loud noise

ear wax buildup

head or neck injuries

tmj issues


diseases of the ear


ear infection




lyme disease

high blood pressure

cardiovascular disease


meniere's disease

age related hearing loss

long term nsaids use

middle ear problems

brain injury



certain antibiotics

pregnancy (learn more here)

 tinnitus can also be a cause of depression, anxiety and stress.

what is magnesium?

Anything stiff or cranky in your body or emotions is a good sign you need

more magnesium.

While calcium helps our muscles to contract, magnesium helps our muscles to relax.  Our heart is a good example of why we need both.

It's so powerful that it can stop labor pains dead in their tracks, and is usually the first thing given to a heart attack patient in the hospital.

Magnesium is the master mineral in our bodies, necessary for over 800 functions.

It is literally life to our cells; every organ in our bodies need it, yet most of us are deficient in this essential mineral. 


Our foods don't provide enough, and every day our bodies are robbed of it through stress, antibiotics, certain medications, table salt, diuretics and even sweating.

the vitamin d council suggests 500 - 700 mg

of magnesium a day.

what is magnesium oil?

There are nine common forms of magnesium, with epsom salts being the most familiar. 

Magnesium oil is made from a superior magnesium called 'magnesium chloride hexahydrate', most notably found in the Dead Sea.

Although magnesium is found in other seas, the Dead Sea has magnesium up to 15 times the amount found in any other body of water on earth.

The oil is made from the magnesium crystals suspended in distilled water, forming a super concentrated form of magnesium to rub on

your skin.

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this method is the fastest way to transport magnesium straight to your cells, completely bypassing the digestive system which is where other forms of magnesium are destroyed.

Of the 26 minerals found in the Dead Sea, there are 12 minerals that are found in no other sea in the world.

magnesium for tinnitus

magnesium is also known as the calming mineral, which can help with the stress and anxiety some tinnitus sufferers experience.

The National Institutes of Health concluded after their 2008 trial

that 'permanent and temporary changes in auditory function

have been linked to nutritional deficiencies of magnesium.'

And in a 2011 clinical trial by

the Mayo Clinic, their conclusion was that 'magnesium improved hearing recovery and lessened tinnitus in patients with idiopathic sudden hearing loss.'

The activity of sound waves on the inner ear's hair cells is generated by a neurotransmitter called glutamate; magnesium not only helps to protect the nerves in the inner ear, but also powerfully regulates glutamate.

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